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To cheat, or not to cheat?

To cheat, or not to cheat? For some reasons, everyone’s cheating. Why? Well even u r cheating for something small, it also still being considered as cheating. Am I right??

So, is it a crime?? I don’t think cheating is a crime. It is only a bad habit that comes to u unintentionally; something that u might use it as an escape for being involved or something. For example; A is asking B whether B has eaten or not. Then B answers that B has eaten, even though it’s actually not. So, B must have his/her own reason why he/she is cheating. Maybe B doesn’t hungry, doesn’t have money to eat, or even u can think of it on your own.

However, in some cases such as cheating during exam, test or even assignment, I do not think it will become a serious matter. I don’t understand why student could be expelled if they are cheating during exams. Here is what I think. It doesn’t matter if u were cheating during exams or not. If u were cheating in exams, u passed, u get the degree scroll during the convocation, u get job, then u obtain your monthly salary. Here’s the question. U started with cheating, u been through all of that, u obtain your salary, then for sure u will use that money for everything, do u think u get your blessings?? Is it okay u eat using the money that u’ve cheated before??

Think wise, think twice. Anyway, life is just so beautiful.


Cik Mun n Cik Yah said...

it's normal if we had cheating once in ourlife..

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