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Love is in the air..

Valentine’s Day, a day that always being waited for every couple in this world. No matter how young, how old, that day has no boundary so that anyone can celebrate it. Give roses to the partner, hang out for the whole day, and give chocolate, say ‘I Love You’ and so many other things.

So it comes to my mind actually, thinking bout this special day. Definitely people will do all these things, no matter where. So my question is, are they doing all those things because of that Valentine’s Day or because they do really2 love each other??

It’s not like I’m condemning all those people. Here’s what I think bout Valentine’s Day. Valentine's Day is a day to remember a priest, who was fall in love for many2 years ago. It concludes that Valentine’s Day is a day of remembrance of a priest, not a day that you are being granted to express your love. So, if you love someone, you do not need this day to show or express your love to your partner. Anytime or anywhere, you still can do it. 

As to my conclusion, ‘Love’ doesn’t need a day so that it can be expressed by anyone, ‘Love’ is always in the air. 

Anyways, Life is just so beautiful! J


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