It is obvious! Because……………….. Students need to choose their representative. Student’s t Bodies consist of students who represent student. Sound complicated, but it is not actually. Student’s Bodies are the one who can meet the management of MICET and fight for students need. So, of course students need to vote in order to choose the right student that is going to be part of the Student’s Bodies.
Besides that, students who vote show that they have responsibilities. Because next year, for those who is going to be 21 years old, they already need to vote for REAL. They need to choose who is going to represent their city, states, and country. This is a whole different issue. And this is huge.
Students who vote also show that they know what is happening in MICET. They keep their self-updated. They participate in MICET events. In my opinion, this is good. Students can consider MICET as their second home. We live here. We eat here. We sleep here. We study here. “Here” is the place where we as students trying to achieve our goal and be SOMEONE in the future J
So, well it is too late to say this. But good luck to those run for the election. Congratulations to those won. And a big clap for those who votes! Till later, daaaaaa J
students will decide who will lead them and it contributes their future also.
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