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Last Tuesday, 8 of February 2011, there was a talk about PETRONAS. The talk was held in DK2 MICET, Unikl. The talk was given by En. Wan Hassan. The reason I went to the talk was because I wanted to get an idea of what would the working life of an engineer be like.  
The talk started with an introduction of PETRONAS. PETRONAS is a billionaire company. Only last year until July 2010, they manage to get 11.6 billion USD profits. However, we were told that 40% from the profit will be used as a starter for 2010/2011 business.  PETRONAS is 1 of the 7 sisters. PETRONAS was started only in 1970’s but already manage to be on ranked 7 as 1 of the top 10 highest profitable company between August 2009 - July 2010. This is a huge fact right? I mean compare to Shell (ranked 5) and ExxonMobil (ranked 2) which already have names in the oil n gas company for more than 60 years. I was very impressed. Plus, my desire to work for PETRONAS has increased tremendously.
From the talk, I came to know that being a process engineer was not that easy. You have a lot of responsibilities. And you really need to master in certain subjects to at least being able to be a part of the design team. I have to be honest, I am so scared. I don’t know what makes me think that working is much easier than study at the 1st place, because it is definitely not the case for being an engineer. Subjects like Chemical Process Principle, Graphic Engineering, Process Instrumentation, as well as Plant Design are critical subject that I need to understand really well. The talk motivated me even more than before. I was happy J
However, when the talk finished, I should have gone to meet En. Wan Hassan and asked what he is looking for in a students during the interview since he is one of the interviewer for PETRONAS. At least I could prepare myself starting from now. But I did learn from the talk that confident is very important during your interview. He did touch on this for a little bit. Because even if you have all A’s in your transcript, you are lack of confident, they won’t believe in you and trust you with the huge responsibility that they are going to assign you once you get the job.
I think that’s all I want to share with you guys! Thanks for reading J
As usual, life is beautiful guys! Achieve as much as you can!


Do you think we should give monetary incentive to KP2 students to motivate them to get better grades?

                I don’t want to sound mean, but I think we should not give monetary incentive to the KP2 students. It’s not that I don’t want them to get motivated, but the 1st KP is already bad enough. They should take serious action during the 1st time. Some actions that the KP students should take: read notes before they enter the lecture, do a lot of exercise and not involve too much in MICET activity.
                The 1st action, they should make sure they read the notes 1st before they enter a lecture to get at least an idea of what is going to be taught by the lecturer. It is ok if they don’t understand the notes. It is just important that their mind were already exposed to the topic that is going to be taught. This is how the human brain works. If we keep exposing it to the same thing over and over again, we tend to remember.
                The 2nd action, do a lot of exercise on the topic that they are weak at. If they think they still can’t do the tutorial, meet the lecturer. Most importantly, if they do not understand what the lecturer is teaching during the lecture itself, meet the lecturer afterwards. Spend some quality time with them. Use them wisely. I am completely sure, that every lecturer in MICET would help their students. No lecturer in this world would want their students to fail. Unless of course if you did something bad to them. Because lecturer are still human being. They have feelings too you know?
                Anyways, back to the topic. As for the 3rd action, they should also not participate in most of the MICET events. It is good to be active, but not until it disturbs your study. You can still join the sports in the evening because that would keep you fit and healthy. Besides that, just concentrate on your study.
                As a conclusion, if the KP students did the action that I mention above, InsyaAllah, they will improve their grades. Again, I don’t think that we should give monetary incentive to KP2 students to motivate them to get better grades.
 Alright, I think that’s all from me. Good luck to all of you. Thank you! J

1 good reminder to all..

Hello guys!!! Okay, I am so tired right now. I just finished doing my Organic Chemistry lab report. Yeah, it is kind of like a last minute job done, but I can’t help it. When I need to write a report, I will have to make sure I truly understand the experiment, how to interpret the data obtained and master the theory behind the experiment done. It would take me a while since usually the experiment that we did, was not teach in the lecture yet. So yeah, you need a lot of effort. I mean it, like a LOT of effort. Unless of course if you do not care whether you understand or not and just copy everything from the internet websites.
Anyways, I should talk of something right? Hmmm… Let me see….
Okay, tomorrow is Chinese New Year celebration. This means, 2 days of public holiday. Plus Saturday and Sunday, that would be 4 days of HOLIDAYS!!!! Whoa!!!! Nice.. J
But.. But.. Guys.. A small reminder for all. Next Tuesday, we have CPP quiz. CPP test is also around the corner. Not to mention. Organic chemistry quiz is also next week. Math test is coming soon. Oh oh! Tech com quiz as well. Sorry Madame Syerina, it took me a while to remember.  Hehe. So yeah, you could go back home on Wednesday and sleep the whole day. As for Thursdays, okay fine, have another day off, eat a lot, and watch TV as much as you can, go out have fun. But hopefully by Friday, you should already hold your books and starts studying for your quizzes and tests. Always remember guys, you can have fun and rest as much as you like, but never ever forget your responsibility as a student.
Why? Because your future depends on it. Life is beautiful. Live to your fullest!
Good luck guys!
Song for the week, I just can't get enough of it! ENJOY! J